It’s sort of strange—we all care so much about our kids’ education. We want them to be smart and to take school seriously and to learn as much as possible. That’s all good. But we also all know that our kids are always watching us, that our actions inform theirs, that what we value shows them what they should value. And if you think back to when you were a kid, what appeared to you to be the best part about being an adult? No more school. Because that’s what we by and large show our kids: that education stops. That adulthood is like one long summer break. That graduation is the final destination of learning and studying and investing in your education.
This is a relatively recent phenomenon. Not that long ago, adults prioritized their own education as much as their kids. There’s the story of Epictetus teaching one day when a student’s arrival caused a commotion in the back of the room. Who was it? Hadrian, the emperor. Hadrian’s example clearly had an impact on his successor and adopted grandson, Marcus Aurelius. Late in his reign, a friend spotted Marcus heading out, carrying a stack of books. Where are you going? he asked. Marcus was on his way to a lecture on Stoicism, he said, for “learning is a good thing, even for one who is growing old. I am now on my way to Sextus the philosopher to learn what I do not yet know.”
If you want your kids to value learning, if you want them to never stop furthering the education you’ve been investing so much time and money and care and worry into, we have to follow in the footsteps of Hadrian and Marcus. We have to show them an adult committed to lifelong learning. We have to show them that wisdom is an endless pursuit. We have to show them we have not graduated, we are not on summer break, we have not arrived at the final destination of education.
That’s why, over at Daily Stoic, we created Stoicism 101: Ancient Philosophy For Your Actual Life!
Stoicism 101: Ancient Philosophy For Your Actual Life is a 14-day course designed to not only teach you what you do not yet know, but also to help you show your kids what a serious lifelong learner looks like. Whether this is the first time you’re hearing about Stoicism or you’ve been studying it for years, “there is no role,” as Marcus wrote, “so well suited to philosophy as the one you happen to be in right now.” The role of parent. The role of spouse. The role of dad stuck in traffic with a car full of kids. The role of mom running with a double stroller through the airport to catch a flight. There is no role not suited to philosophy. There is no role in which Stoicism 101: Ancient Philosophy For Your Actual Lifewill not make your life better. In the 14 custom emails delivered daily (~20,000 words of exclusive content), you’ll learn about:
And much, much more. Additionally, in 3 live video sessions—what we call office hours—with Ryan Holiday (author of 12 books about Stoic philosophy which have sold more than 4 million copies in over 30 languages), you will get the opportunity to learn from one of the world’s foremost thinkers and writers on ancient philosophy and its place in everyday life! Ryan has spoken to everyone from the NBA to the NFL to sitting senators and special forces operators about how to apply Stoicism in their actual lives. In Stoicism 101, you will get the best of what he’s found to move the needle the most for real people with real problems in the real world. And, you get it all for far less than the tuition to even one “Intro to Philosophy” class at even a community college (to say nothing of the Ivy League!). Again, this will be a live course. Beginning on TUESDAY MARCH 22, all participants will move through the course together at the same pace. Registration is currently open but closes on MONDAY MARCH 21 at MIDNIGHT. |