Make Today Mean Something

In stark contrast to the spirit of the barbecues or firework shows you might be attending today, when the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence on this day 246 years ago, the room was filled with “Silence and Gloom.” That’s how Benjamin Rush remembered July 4, 1776. Three and a half decades later, Rush asked…

To Understand It, Get The Children’s Book

It’s said that the movie There Will Be Blood is such an incredible piece of art that it should be hung up in MoMA. Paul Thomas Anderson, the writer and director of There Will Be Blood, was asked how he did it. How did he so perfectly capture not just the literal landscape and details…

Sweet Kids in a Cruel World

It is a world of shocking cruelty out there. The murder of innocent kids in a school shooting…topped off by indifference and shortsightedness of the politicians who fail to do anything about it. The vast disruption and death of a pandemic…and the people who would rather deny it or pretend it doesn’t exist than try…

All Things Can Be Used for a Purpose

One of the benefits of being an artist is that everything that happens to you—no matter how traumatic or frustrating—has at least one hidden benefit: It can be used in your art. A painful parting can become a powerful breakup anthem. Melancholy mixes in with your oil paints and transforms an ordinary image into something…



We’re going to tackle all the big themes of our time and of all time: Grit. Resilience. Curiosity. Compassion. Character. Unconditional love. Finding purpose. Dealing with stress. Masculinity. Female empowerment. Loss. Stillness. Truthfulness. Initiative. Creativity. Passion. Family. Fun.

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