Don’t Cut It Short (If You Don’t Have To)

He was busy. There was work waiting. They had just spent some wonderful family time together, riding bicycles, picking flowers, just having fun in the countryside. Afterwards, Pierre Curie headed back to Paris. He just didn’t know he was heading towards his untimely death. “Once we got back you wanted to leave,” his wife, Madame…

Don’t Let Them Tell You This

In the 1960s, the young poet Diane di Prima was at one of those legendary Beat parties that movies are made of. Everyone was there. There were drugs and ideas and romances. Jack Keroauc was there, holding court. And yet, di Prima got up to leave and go home early. Why? Because her babysitter was…

What’s In Your Greatest Hits?

Imagine there was some way to record and analyze all your interactions with your kids. Imagine if they ran all the words you said, the things you told them, through some sort of computer. What do you think would show up most? What themes would emerge? What would the word cloud look like? We asked…

This Is How To Explain Things

Look, the world is complicated. There is so much for your kids to understand, so much for you to explain, so much to teach them. What’s the best way? How do you get the ideas, the facts, the lessons, and the values to stick in their brain? The best way, as we’ve said, is story. ​It…

It’s Brave Of Them

Maybe your kid is a little weird. Maybe they do stuff that you don’t get. Maybe they do stuff that makes other people, other kids, look at them strangely. The kind of stuff that would have gotten you bullied when you were at school, that you remember judging other kids for. This worries you. That’s…

What Will You Do With 72 Seasons?

Eighteen years. That’s 72 seasons. It might seem like a lot, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not. It’s a handful of summers as a baby. A few winters as a toddler. A couple springs as a teenager. Just as the seasons fold and unfold into the next, so does each era of…

You Never Know

It had been a tough couple months. There had been a lot at work. He had been distracted. His mind had been elsewhere. His priorities had been elsewhere. So his wife—and his laboratory partner—put her foot down. “I made you promise that you would join us Saturday evening,” Madam Curie would later write in a…

Say It While You Can

On June 8, 1948, a Saskatchewan man named Cecil Harris was crushed underneath his tractor. Trapped for hours and in excruciating pain, he took out his pocket knife and carved a rudimentary will to his wife in the metal that was killing him. “In case I die in this mess I leave all to the…

When The World Caves In…

If you knew for certain that something bad was going to happen…if a missile was heading this way… if the doctor told you that you had only a little time left…would you try and squeeze in a trip to Disneyland? Would you plan a complicated vacation? Would you get everyone together for a matching family…

You Do It Too, You Know

The place was supposed to be open, but you drove all the way across town and discovered it was closed. The package was supposed to be delivered and it didn’t show up. Someone told you something that turned out to be a lie. The food isn’t to your liking. The game ended on a bogus…



We’re going to tackle all the big themes of our time and of all time: Grit. Resilience. Curiosity. Compassion. Character. Unconditional love. Finding purpose. Dealing with stress. Masculinity. Female empowerment. Loss. Stillness. Truthfulness. Initiative. Creativity. Passion. Family. Fun.

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