With all that’s on a dad’s plate, it’s easy to lose hold of one of the quietest but most important lessons to teach your children. It’s quite understandable: You have work. You have the house to take care of. You have a spouse, or a partner. You have your health. You have only so many years on this planet in “your prime.” So you’re always doing, doing, doing. Because you want to get better, do better, give them a better life.
And what are you forgetting to teach your kids as you rush from fire to fire? You’re forgetting to teach them the importance of stillness. The importance of equanimity. The importance of contentment and presence and letting go. That we’re called human beings, and not human doings, for an important reason.
Stillness is hard to maintain in the modern world, but it’s essential. As Blaise Pascal said, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” Our fear of being still, our suspicion of slowing down is why so many of us are overwhelmed, why we are unhappy, and why our children are stressed out of their minds. They get it from us!
Ryan Holiday’s new book makes an argument that every dad needs to think about: Stillness is the Key. It’s the key to thinking better. To noticing more. To enjoying everything. To being a good role model. To showing up in your marriage. To truly being there for your kids. There is no greatness, Seneca said, without stillness, and no stillness that is not a form of greatness.
Teach your kids that. Live it yourself.
Stillness Is The Key is available for preorder right now. Barnes and Noble even has some limited edition signed copies (though they are running out fast). You can also get some bonuses for preordering. Check it out!
P.S. This was originally sent on Sep 6 2019. Sign up today for the Daily Dad’s email and get our popular 11 page eBook, “20 Things Great Dads Do Everyday”.