It’s Happening In Your House Too

It’s been a while, you know that, but not that long. That’s why it catches you off guard.

Your friend tells you that their son, who you remember being very little, just turned ten. You’re catching up with an old neighbor who had a kid a couple years before you and they blindside you with news that their daughter got her driver’s license. You get an invitation to a college graduation. What? This can’t be right.

It sneaks up on you.

They were a baby and now they’re not. Because we’re so busy in our own lives, we forgot about—we lost track of—that thing that’s always happening in the background, the passage of time. But it’s there, it’s always there…and not just in other people’s lives, obviously, it’s happening to us too.

Only a couple of years separates toddlers from pre-teens. One day they’re starting high school and not long after, they’re taking internships in other countries for the summer. They go from infants to kids with personalities and preferences so fast.

We can’t lose track of this in the day-to-dayness of it all, not at least when it comes to our own families. It’s perfectly reasonable to fall out of touch with friends, especially when we’re busy with our own growing families. But we can’t let it sneak up on us that every day our kids are getting older. That very soon they’ll be in that next phase of life, that time moves very quickly, that one day soon we’ll miss their cries in the middle of the night or picking them up from school.

These days are fleeting—embrace them before they’re gone.

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