It’s Piling Up

It doesn’t seem like much. You had to check your phone. It was easier to hand them an iPad. You got caught up gossiping with the neighbor. It was a work thing that took you out of town. You didn’t want to attend another soccer game or recital. You were distracted, as we’ve said, ​by anxiety​ or ​by that thing you were worried about​. You were just hurrying them along, trying not to be so inefficient.

But it adds up, this time that we turn away. These moments that we reject, the family time we could have had.

At some point, certainly at the end of our lives but also at the end of their childhood, we would do anything for more of it. We’d kill to be out in the hot sun at a swim meet, so grateful for a chance to endure all of it even though their race only lasted a few seconds. We’d trade everything if we could just pick them up again, hear that sweet, high-pitched voice again—but they’re too big now, they’ve outgrown it. You’ll be so mad at yourself for rushing through, for rushing them, for turning them away.

Well, you have it right now. You have them right now. Use it. Show up for it. Be grateful for it. You won’t have it forever.

P.S. All time together with our children is quality time, as we’ve said before. We created the Tempus Fugit medallion(Tempus Fugit translates to “Time Flies,” by the way) as a powerful reminder that we don’t need to rush through any of their childhood to get to the good stuff. Instead, we can let go and learn to appreciate the moment for what it is.

Grab a medallion to carry around with you at the Daily Dad store today!

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