Show Them It’s Never Too Late

We’ve talked about this a lot. 

That it’s never too late.

For example, we’ve talked about Nell Painter’s mother, who became an author later in life (and Nell Painter herself, who went back to school and later wrote Old in Art School) We’ve also talked about Bruce Springsteen’s father, who finally said the words Bruce needed to hear. We’ve quoted Dr. Becky, who reminds parents it’s never too late to repair–that you can always apologize, always try to go back and address what happened. 

This should inspire us…and remind us.

We’d never tell our kids it was too late for them, that the best is behind them, that they can’t recover, rebuild, or begin again. No—we’d tell them the opposite. We’d say, “It’s not ideal that you waited, but today is the second-best time to start.” And then we’d cheer them on as they got moving.

So why wouldn’t we tell ourselves the same thing?

It’s never too late. It’s never too late to lose the weight, to make a change, to start a new career, to quit a bad habit, to apologize, to mend relationships, to try something new, or to finally invest in yourself.

In the spirit of “it’s never too late,” this year we’re breaking from tradition over at the Daily Stoic and re-opening registration for our 2025 New Year New You Challenge. Typically, the New Year New You Challenge is a live challenge we do for the first three weeks of the new year. But this year we heard from a ton of people that either came back from vacation late or procrastinated or changed their minds or stumbled on their resolutions, so we’ve decided to bring it back.

When you sign up for the Daily Stoic New Year, New You Challenge, you’ll get 21 actionable challenges, presented one per day, built around the best, most timeless wisdom in Stoic philosophy.

Taking on the Daily Stoic NYNY Challenge will help you:

  • Break free from the doom loop of procrastination
  • Discover gratitude for obstacles that used to trip you up
  • Take charge of your year with clarity and focus
  • Build lasting confidence to overcome self-doubt and indecision
  • Find beauty and calm in world filled with noise and distractions
  • Unlock your potential and step into your best self

It’s not too late to make 2025 the year you stop dreaming about who you want to be, and start becoming that person. It’s not too late to show your kids that it’s never too late to grow and change and achieve. 

Join us for the Daily Stoic New Year New You Challenge. Head to to sign up today. 

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