Show Them This Strength

Asking for help is hard. It feels like weakness. It involves vulnerability. It means admitting that we don’t know something, that we’ve failed, or that we’re afraid. But here’s the truth: it’s also the strongest thing we can do. It’s the only way to grow.

Imagine giving our children this superpower—the ability to ask for help without hesitation or shame. Normalizing it. Encouraging it. That might be one of the greatest gifts we can offer them.

So how do we do it? By modeling it. First, we need to recognize where we fall short, where we’re struggling, and where fear holds us back. And then we need to say it out loud. Next, we seek the help we need—whether it’s asking for advice, comfort, or guidance. Let them see you ask for directions when you’re lost. Let them see you go to therapy, hire a coach, or lean on a mentor. Let them witness you following the wisdom of others and evolving because of it.

No one is so strong that they can carry life’s weight alone. And no one is beyond deserving help. Just like the saying goes: you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. In the same way, you only receive the help that you ask for.

Let’s teach them early. As the beautiful children’s book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse reminds us, asking for help is not surrender. It’s the ultimate refusal to give up.

It’s the bravest thing you can do.

Are your kids picky eaters, tired after practice, or always sick? You’re not alone. Many kids are missing key nutrients in their diets like Vitamin D, magnesium, and calcium. Over 70% of the population, including kids, have insufficient levels of Vitamin D, 60% don’t get enough magnesium and 40% are calcium deficient.*

That’s why The Wellness Company offers Kids Naturals Gummies—a powerhouse trio to help keep them healthy.

  • Fruit and Veggie Gummies pack 40+ fruits and veggies into one tasty bite.
  • Spike Support Gummies boost immunity, helping them dodge the latest virus.
  • Sports Recovery Electrolyte Gummies have three sources of electrolytes, not just one.

Get your Kids Naturals Gummies at ​TWC.HEALTH/DAILYDAD​ and use code DAILYDAD for 15% off every time you shop.

*Percentages are based on analyses from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which indicates many individuals do not meet their daily nutrient requirements, even when food fortification is taken into account

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