Stop Checking Your Watch

You just got in the pool and already you’re thinking about how you can make your escape. You just started bedtime and you’re already trying to move things along. You just picked them up for their weekend visit and you’re on your phone, making plans for drop off.


​You say your kids are important.​ You say you do it all for them. You say you love nothing more than spending time with them.

So what are you doing? Why are you rushing through the time you do get? Why and where are you trying to hurry them to anyway?

It’s crazy. We seem to prefer that they be unconscious. We know that they won’t be this age very long and yet, here we are, rushing them through it. It’s like we’re wishing for less time with our kids, wishing for them to not be our problem, wishing for their childhood to be over. That’s what we’re doing. And yet, when they’re gone, we’ll regret not cherishing these moments, we’ll regret, as we said recently, ​the end to baseball practices and homework and car rides and bedtime.​

So let go a little. Be present. Appreciate the moment. Stop checking your watch. Let them and this fleeting, wonderful bit of childhood which is evaporating in front of you be your hourglass.

P.S. All time together with our children is quality time, as we’ve said before. We created the Tempus Fugit medallion(Tempus Fugit translates to “Time Flies,” by the way) as a powerful reminder that we don’t need to rush through any of their childhood to get to the good stuff. Instead, we can let go and learn to appreciate the moment for what it is.

Grab a medallion to carry around with you at the Daily Dad store today!

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