Aristotle worshipped them. The Christians and Stoics too.
Four simple words. Four essential tenets for living:
In the West, we call these the “cardinal virtues”—from the Latin word cardos, which means hinge. These are the virtues upon which the good life hinges. These are the virtues that every father is obligated to teach his children.
Courage: To stand up. To charge ahead. To not be afraid or timid in life.
Moderation: To know balance. To be in control of oneself. To avoid excess or extremes.
Justice: To do the right thing. To care for others. To do your duty.
Wisdom: To learn. To study. To keep an open mind.
How essential these virtues are. How rare they are these days. How much better off would we be if we could bring them back? If we could make them front and center once again?
As a father, you must worship these virtues…and raise kids who do the same. You have to model these virtues, and teach them—by example and by instruction—how they can too. Their life…and the future hinges on it.
P.S. This was originally sent on June 2, 2020. Sign up today for the Daily Dad’s email and get our popular 11 page eBook, “20 Things Great Dads Do Everyday.”