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Daily Dad Book

I also have a book of daily readings, just for dads! Instead of a parenting book you read one time as a sleep-deprived new parent (and instantly forget among all the other things you’re now supposed to remember), this book provides 366 accessible meditations on fatherhood, a manageable slice for each day.

Buy it at my bookstore, The Painted Porch, or wherever books are sold.

Being a dad is special. It’s one of the only things you do every day. So do it well.

— Ryan



We’re going to tackle all the big themes of our time and of all time: Grit. Resilience. Curiosity. Compassion. Character. Unconditional love. Finding purpose. Dealing with stress. Masculinity. Female empowerment. Loss. Stillness. Truthfulness. Initiative. Creativity. Passion. Family. Fun.

Join Daily Dad now and tap into a community of dads all over the world dedicated to becoming the very best dad they can be. you’ll get a daily meditation on the above themes and more.