They Come Back Around

You’re sad because they don’t like falling asleep on your chest anymore. You’re sad because they don’t like the morning walks anymore. You’re sad because they’re sullen and hormonal instead of the sweet little companions you remember. 

But look, there’s a reason these things are called phases (or in the case of some sleep habits, regressions). These are temporary, cyclical things. Or at least, they are if you can be patient and understanding and adaptable. 

Your kids will come back around…if you don’t push them away.  Your kids will find you again…if you don’t go anywhere. The fact is that they are changing, learning, experimenting, experiencing, becoming who they are. 

You already know who you are. Which is why you have to be the base, the safe place, the constant they can depend on as they cycle through or pass through whatever it is they have to go through. Just be patient. Just hang on.

P.S. Looking for some gift ideas this holiday season? Check out the 2021 Daily Stoic Gift Guide, which features the 10 best Stoic gifts to give to your friends and family members!

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