This Is Why We Read

You’ve read plenty of bad books as a parent. The ham-handed kids books. The nonsensical ones. The vanity projects. The patronizing ones. 

Why are you reading to your kids? To teach them to read, of course. To spend time together, of course. But also to teach them about life. 

So why does every children’s book seem to be about pizza or alligators with hats? What on earth was one woman thinking when she wrote a kid’s book about a president speaking at a funeral for people killed in a mass shooting? C’mon. 

The best kids books entertain and teach. That’s the goal. You want them to learn the lessons of life now, whether they understand what’s happening or not. And it doesn’t hurt if, like a Pixar movie, there are some good reminders and lessons for you too. Because we can always use a refresher about the important things, right? About love. About creativity. About humanity. About wonder. 

Well, with that in mind, we’ve spent the last year working on The Boy Who Would Be King by Ryan Holiday, a 104-page beautifully illustrated all-ages fable about the journey of Marcus Aurelius from an ordinary boy to the ruler of the known world. How did he do it? What did he need to learn? Who taught him? What do his experiences teach us?

These are timeless questions. These are the kinds of truths delivered best in story, in fable.

We’re so excited to show it to you

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As a special bonus, if you order this book before March 9th, 2021, you’ll get a FREE audiobook version as well. Simply check out through our website here, and you’ll automatically get the free book.

The timeless tale is told for all ages and makes a great gift.

Learn more here!

P.S. This was originally sent on March 1, 2021. Sign up today for the Daily Dad’s email and get our popular 11 page eBook, “20 Things Great Dads Do Everyday.”

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