This Must Be The Top Priority

We talk about putting family first—indeed, that’s the second law of Stoic parenting. But what does that actually look like?

It looks like Ricky Rubio letting it be known publicly that he’ll be playing professional basketball for only a few more years. As the NBA star said recently,

“When my son starts school, the NBA will not be worth it. I will have to go back [to Spain]. I don’t want to make him dizzy moving around when he’s six years old, at the age of starting to make friends. It was discussed with my wife and we have it very clear. There will come a time when basketball will not be the priority.”

Our kids must come first. As we said recently, our love must point strongest in their direction. We must do what’s best for them. We must sacrifice for them. We must give them a life they deserve—mainly, we must give them a life with us in it.

Your career is important. But family is forever. It must be the top priority.

“Thou Shall Put Family First” is the 2nd Commandment in The Stoic Parent: 10 Commandments For Becoming A Better Parent. If you want to take your parenting to the next level, The Stoic Parent course is 10 days of the most important things that you can do to become the best parent you can be. If you want to strengthen your connection with your family, sign up for The Stoic Parent today!

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