Will You Catch It?

It’s a haunting realization that, amidst the busyness and routine of parenting, we can so easily ​overlook the little things.​The soft, chubby hands of our toddler. The squeaky, excited voice of our teenager. The smooth skin of our little boy or girl. The days when we could effortlessly scoop them up into our arms. The times when they relied on us to drive them everywhere, or when making their Halloween costumes was an annual tradition.

One day, all of that will be gone.

Those precious moments that once made us say “Awww!”, the ones that fill our hearts with warmth as parents … ​none of them last forever.​ Some disappear sooner than we expect. Before we know it, they’re walking. Then, they’re driving. And in what feels like a blink, they’re moving out.

It all happens so quickly. Tempus fugit, time flies (​as our Daily Dad medallion reminds us​).

The real question is: Will you capture it? Will you truly notice, appreciate, and live in these fleeting moments while they’re here? Or will you be distracted, staring at your phone? Will you cherish each milestone, or find yourself too caught up in worrying about what’s next, about whether they’re behind or ahead of schedule?

Time flies. Only ​a present and grateful parent​ can truly catch it.

P.S. If love is the resource we can’t give enough to our children, then time is the opposite—we can’t have enough of it with them. That’s why we created the Tempus Fugit medallion for parents as a physical reminder of how fleeting our time with them is. Carrying the coin around or placing it somewhere visible like our desks encourages us to be present and enjoy every minute we have with our children. Grab yours at the Daily Dad Store today!

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