You Have To Pick Your Shots

You asked them to get ready. You asked them to pick that up. You asked them to stop. You asked them to put away their plate. You asked them not to bother their sister. You asked and asked and asked.

Have you ever considered that this might be the problem?

That you just ask for too much?

Try to count today, from the moment they wake up, just how often you are asking them to do things, how many instructions you are giving them. It’s endless! It’s obnoxious! It’s overwhelming! And so much of it is totally unimportant if you really thought about it.

If someone did that to you, might you start to tune them out too?

Tell yourself today that you’re allowed a finite amount of requests. What might you let slide? What might they have to figure out on their own? Save your ammunition, pick your shots. Spend your capital wisely. Because it’s not just about today—it’s about the long term.

You want them to listen when they do have a choice. You don’t want them to get used to ignoring you.

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