Did It Bring You Closer Together?

Yes, it was annoying–those hours delayed at the airport on the way to your vacation. Yes, it was disappointing when your daughter came home with a terrible report card. Yes, it was scary when you came home with that diagnosis from your doctor. Yes, it was exhausting that you spent another sleepless night with your toddler.

But the question as always, or rather the opportunity is: Did it bring you closer together?

It doesn’t have to, of course. You can get angry. You can be annoyed. You can be overwhelmed and distracted. Or…or you can relish the moment–even if they’re crying, even if you’re disappointed, even if you’re crying.

Because this is a chance to talk. This is a chance to see them from a different angle. This is a chance to ask questions. This is a chance to spend time together. A crisis, as politicians like to say, is a terrible thing to waste. It’s a chance to do things you couldn’t do before. That wouldn’t be possible in ordinary circumstances.

It’s always a chance to get closer. To love more. To understand better.

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