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Another horrible news report about a family that lost everything in a fire. An alert on your phone…
It’s wonderful. It’s the greatest. It’s the happiest you’ve ever been. You love this kid more than you…
We get on them for things. We criticize them. We worry about this and that. Why? Because on…
Your kids can tell when you’re not really there. They sense it in your distracted glances, your delayed…
You want your kids to be strong when they grow up. You want them to be independent. You…
All the time. All the money. All the sleepless nights. All the arguments. All the messes you cleaned…
We’ve talked about this a lot. That it’s never too late. For example, we’ve talked about Nell Painter’s…
You feared this. You feared settling down. You feared becoming one of those parents. Would you lose your…
Another horrible news report about a family that lost everything in a fire. An alert on your phone about a kidnapping. The grotesque political dysfunction….
It’s wonderful. It’s the greatest. It’s the happiest you’ve ever been. You love this kid more than you could possibly express. You love your life….
We get on them for things. We criticize them. We worry about this and that. Why? Because on some level, we recognize those things in…
Your kids can tell when you’re not really there. They sense it in your distracted glances, your delayed responses, your half-hearted nods. They notice when…
You want your kids to be strong when they grow up. You want them to be independent. You don’t want them to just blindly follow…
All the time. All the money. All the sleepless nights. All the arguments. All the messes you cleaned up. All the yelling you had to…
We’ve talked about this a lot. That it’s never too late. For example, we’ve talked about Nell Painter’s mother, who became an author later in…
You feared this. You feared settling down. You feared becoming one of those parents. Would you lose your edge? Would your career take a hit?…
Parenting has never been easy, and the last few years have pushed us to our limits. The pandemic, lockdowns, school disruptions—it’s no wonder parents everywhere…
It’s probably because they so rarely listen to what we ask them to do that we assume they can’t hear us. But they can. They…
We’re going to tackle all the big themes of our time and of all time: Grit. Resilience. Curiosity. Compassion. Character. Unconditional love. Finding purpose. Dealing with stress. Masculinity. Female empowerment. Loss. Stillness. Truthfulness. Initiative. Creativity. Passion. Family. Fun.
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