What do I have to know before having my first child? What should I do before they arrive? How can I make sure I am ready?
We created this course, The Parent-To-Be: A Daily Dad Parenting Challenge, to answer all those questions and more.
What do I have to know before having my first child? What should I do before they arrive? How can I make sure I am ready?
We created this course, The Parent-To-Be: A Daily Dad Parenting Challenge, to answer all those questions and more.
This is the wonderful thing about parenting as a learnable discipline: its timelessness. From the ancient world to ours—parenting is parenting. And if you want to become great at it, you couldn’t do better than learning from the great parents who have come before you.
Rooted in the wisdom of great parents, and woven together with lessons from history, science, and literature, we’re going to equip you with real advice and useful insights that will help you prepare for having kids and set you up for becoming a great parent.
We’re going to tackle all the big themes of our time and of all time: Grit. Resilience. Curiosity. Compassion. Character. Unconditional love. Finding purpose. Dealing with stress. Masculinity. Female empowerment. Loss. Stillness. Truthfulness. Initiative. Creativity. Passion. Family. Fun.
Join Daily Dad now and tap into a community of dads all over the world dedicated to becoming the very best dad they can be. you’ll get a daily meditation on the above themes and more.