Even if you just put on your work clothes. Even if you’re already late. Even if the pool is freezing. Even if they’ve been getting in trouble lately or been difficult to deal with. Even if you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders. You will never regret choosing to stop whatever it is you were doing, or were about to do, and play with your kids. You will never regret jumping in the water with them, picking up the video game controller with them, spending a few minutes with them, letting Saturday actually be a Saturday with family.
You will always be glad you took the time. Because none of us know how much of it we’re going to get. Because there is no message more important to send than the one that says, “There is nothing more important to me than you.” Because as busy as you are, as much you’re dealing with, there has never been a mind that was not improved or refreshed by temporarily entering the world of children.
But of course, you will regret letting too many of these opportunities pass you by. In fact, you know that you already do…because you already have.