Show Them How to Do This

In 1952, Margaret Thatcher’s father was driven out of office when a rival political party won a majority in the election. His position wasn’t a particularly partisan one, so it surprised him and most people when his head came up on the chopping block.  Her father was upset. He was hurt. And he could have…

It’s OK to Be Ambitious

You have things you want to do in this life. Maybe you want to write a book or you’re in the middle of starting a company. Maybe you’re trying to win a championship or run for president.  You want to be a great dad too, but is it possible to do all these things at…

This Is How You Teach Them

There is so much you want to teach them. When they’re little. When they’re teenagers. When they are out of the house and about to get married. When they are struggling at their job. When they are raising kids of their own.  What’s the best way to do that? Well, depending on their age, one…

Make Them Do Their Own Stuff

There is a great story about a young Spartan woman, Gorgo, who would one day become queen. Despite her royal status, like all Spartans she was raised to be self-sufficient, and without any frills or needless luxury.  So imagine Gorgo’s surprise when she witnessed a distinguished visitor to Sparta have his shoes put on by…

It’s the Thousandth Time That Counts

C’mon, Dad, again! One more time! Can we keep going a little longer? Let’s start over! I don’t want to stop! You’ve heard all these things more times than you can count. The request for one more book before bed. One more time riding on your back. To watch that funny video one more time….

You Can’t Stop. No Matter What.

Nothing about Marcus Aurelius’ reign was fair. Fate tested him with one catastrophe after another. The Parthians invaded and triggered a war that would last five years. Then the River Tiber flooded, destroying homes and livestock, causing a famine in Rome. Then, after victory against the Parthians, Romans brought back a deadly contagion, which became…

It’s Not About the Stuff

You work very hard and are able to provide. Not just the basic necessities, but all sorts of extras. Because of you, your kids have a swimming pool. They have nice vacations. They have their own room. They have a big TV downstairs with lots of channels. They have all this and more. And yet,…

It’s About Being There… A Lot

How do you get through to your kids? How do you show them what’s right? How can you make sure they know how much you care about them? That you’re there for them? The answer is simple: You can be there. A lot. There is a joke that the word “love” is actually spelled “T-I-M-E.”…



We’re going to tackle all the big themes of our time and of all time: Grit. Resilience. Curiosity. Compassion. Character. Unconditional love. Finding purpose. Dealing with stress. Masculinity. Female empowerment. Loss. Stillness. Truthfulness. Initiative. Creativity. Passion. Family. Fun.

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