Show Them It’s Not Too Late

We talked recently about what Dr. Becky Kennedy always tells parents: ​it’s never too late​.

​We’ve talked about Nell Painter’s mother​, who became an author late in life (and Nell Painter herself, who went back and was Old in Art School) ​We’ve talked about Bruce Springsteen’s father​ finally telling Bruce what he needed to hear. We’ve talked about other parents who ​got their act together late​.

We should be inspired by these examples. We should be inspired to be this example for our kids. We should show them, it’s never too late. It’s never too late to lose weight, to change, to find a new career, to quit a longtime vice, to try something new, to invest in yourself, to repair or apologize or make amends.

Certainly we would never let them believe it was too late for them–we’d never tell our kids that it was hopeless for them, that their best work was behind them, that they couldn’t come back and win, that they couldn’t earn back trust, that they couldn’t find love again. No, we’d tell them that they have so much power over their future. We might tell them it would have been better to get started earlier, but that right now is the second best time to get serious, to get working, to get moving.

It’s never too late.

Here on January 1st is a perfect day to commit to being this example.

Over at Daily Stoic, we are doing something we haven’t always done in the past. Starting in early December every year, we start talking about the ​Daily Stoic New Year New You Challenge​. You’re probably tired of hearing about it (and we’re sorry, really), but you know what days have a crazy amount of sign ups? It’s January 1st and January 2nd…after it’s already started!

So Daily Stoic’s customer service spends the first 3-4 days of the year filtering through emails from people saying something like, “I know I’m late but I’d love to do this. Can you still let me in?”


This year, in the spirit of “it’s never too late,” we are extending signups from today through Jan. 3 at midnight CST. You will still receive all of the content and be able to participate in the live Q&As and all the other great stuff we’re doing.

Enroll now!

Demand more of your life and yourself. Show your kids that it’s never too late. Maybe even do the challenge with them! No more, “I’ll start tomorrow.” No more, “in the future, I’ll do better and expect better.” No more “next year I’ll…” No. Make 2024 the year you stop putting off your self-improvement. ​Make 2024 your best year yet.​

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