Let Your Kid Be Normal

Maybe you’re doing great financially. Or maybe you’re just doing better than your parents did. If true, that means something wonderful—suddenly you can afford all the things you didn’t have growing up. And now you can (and should) provide all those things for your kids, right? You’ll drive them to school in a nice car….

Be A Patient Teacher

Seneca’s most famous job wasn’t as a playwright or a Senator. It was as a teacher. He was hired to tutor and advise the young man destined to become emperor. That would have been an incredibly tough position—not only because Nero was clearly not cut out for the job—but because preparing any young person for…

What Your Parents Did Is Not An Excuse

It’s just about the easiest rationalization in the world: My parents did it to me and I turned out fine. My dad used to [smack me][yell at me][never come to my baseball games][never told me ‘good job’][never said he loved me] and I survived. It’s what I learned. That’s just how I was raised.  Ok,…

“Beautiful” Is What They Say It Is

There is an old Lego ad from the early 1980s. It has a little pigtailed redhead holding her Lego creation. What is it? Honestly, it’s hard to say. It’s basically random Legos snapped together. One of the Lego men has a tree on his head. Needless to say, no architect would sign off on this…

Can You Teach Them To Be Still?

With all that’s on a dad’s plate, it’s easy to lose hold of one of the quietest but most important lessons to teach your children. It’s quite understandable: You have work. You have the house to take care of. You have a spouse, or a partner. You have your health. You have only so many…

Give Them Phone-Free Time

Yeah, you’re giving your son a bath…but you have your phone out. Yeah, you took your daughter to the park, but you’re checking fantasy football scores while you push her on the swing. Yeah, you got the whole family together for dinner, but are any of you really present? Or are you lost to social…

A House Without Books Is Not A Home

Look, we get it: the iPad is a magical device. It can quiet even the craziest kid. It can take them into a world of learning and exploration that is literally miraculous. Best of all, most of this content is free!  Books on the other hand are not free and they take up so much…

That’s Why They Call It The Present

This moment right in front of you is a gift. It might not feel like it. Not with bills to pay or traffic to wait through. Not with a colicky baby or a resentful teenager that refuses to give you a rest. But indeed, these are wonderful moments.  Certainly better than not having this moment…

The Greatest Thing You Can Do

“One of the greatest things a father can do for his children,” Howard W. Hunter, the former president of the Mormon Church once said, “is to love their mother.” Now we can grant that our notions of what a family is has expanded since he made that remark, likely beyond what he was remotely comfortable…

What Your Kid Doesn’t Need

They don’t need expensive private schools. Plenty of kids have gotten by without that. They don’t need much of anything that has to do with money, really. Think of all the people in history who have survived on so little.  They don’t need to learn French or the cello. Does anyone?  They don’t need to…



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