This Is Something to Invest In

You work hard for your family. You know how you sweated for each dollar, which can make it hard to spend. Especially if you have an eye toward investing—every dollar expended now comes at the cost of returns in the future.  That’s one way to think about it, but it’s not the only way.  Marcus…

Practice What You Preach

If you haven’t read Emily Oster’s work, then your wife probably has. She’s a wonderful, brilliant economist (who also has a brilliant newsletter) whose work focuses on parenting and children.  It shouldn’t surprise us that her work is brilliant and often contrarian, given the unique childhood she had. Oster was the children of two professors…

Protect Them From This, Too

You check the ingredients in their food to make sure they are ingesting needless chemicals. You make sure they wear a mask when they go outside during a pandemic. You’re like every parent who ever lived: You’re concerned about their safety—what goes in their bodies, what happens to their tiny little bodies.  2000 years ago,…

This Is a Family Motto

It was one of those nights. The boys would not go to sleep. They had that contagious energy that so often keeps brothers awake. The first time their father came in to tell them to go to bed, they didn’t listen. The second time, too. More giggling. Fighting. Playing games. Messing around. Getting into mischief. …

Better To Be Best At This, Than Anything Else

Cato the Elder was a great man. He was successful at agriculture. He was successful as a writer. He was a powerful politician. He towered over Roman life not just in his own time, but for generations hence.  Yet that wasn’t what he was proud of. That’s not what he worked hardest at, or admired…

What Matters More Than Results

Tracee Ellis Ross has a famous, successful mother: the singer Diana Ross. You might think that someone that successful would care a lot about success. Indeed, it’s a pretty common pattern: the driven parent drives their children—to get good grades, to win games, to be the strongest, prettiest, or most popular. They want to continue…

Are You Inspiring Them With This?

There’s a lot of darkness in the world. A pandemic. Corrupt and failed politicians. Institutions groaning under the weight of modern problems. Maybe your neighbors are a jerk, or your boss sucks.  It can be easy to feel depressed about how things are. It can be easy to pass this onto your children. But how…

You’re Your Parents Now

It hits you randomly. You’re in the middle of packing your kids up for a drive to the beach. You’re laying on the couch because your back hurts. You’re telling your daughter to stop messing with the thermostat.  Holy crap. I have become my parents. There’s a funny part of it, of course. Like those…

What Are You Going to Focus On?

You can look at all the negative in the world. You can focus on the dark clouds above. Or you can look for the silver lining, the bright spots.  We have that expression about whether the glass is half-full or half-empty? Well, what worldview are you going to teach your children? Sure, things are bad….



We’re going to tackle all the big themes of our time and of all time: Grit. Resilience. Curiosity. Compassion. Character. Unconditional love. Finding purpose. Dealing with stress. Masculinity. Female empowerment. Loss. Stillness. Truthfulness. Initiative. Creativity. Passion. Family. Fun.

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