You Have to Give Them Access

Without it, she would not have been the great writer that she became. Without it, she would not have pioneered a new genre, a new style, a new role for women in the world. She could not have produced great, enduring works of art without it—or rather, without him. Jane Austen, we said recently, was…

Never Wish For Less Time

We’re anxious for them to start crawling. We’re looking forward to when they start walking. We want to get where we’re going, for the flight to land, for school to start again. We can’t wait for them to fall asleep. We can’t wait until our kids can drive themselves to their friends’ houses, until the…

These Are The Best Times

Douglas MacArthur was a man of routine, most military men are. So it shouldn’t surprise us that he built a family life around routine. But unlike far too many fathers who make routine a form of control, MacArthur’s morning routine was about fun—it was about starting the day off right. As the peerless William Manchester…

Try Not To Be This

In just a few words, Whitman was able to get the essence of it. Not of America, not of the body and soul, or the natural world, as he so expertly and often did in his poems. No, it was his father he was speaking of, but really a generation of fathers, in fact, a…

This Is A Form of Real Poverty

There are way too many poor families. America does a horrendous job taking care of its families. The world is full of parents who have to worry about how they’re going to feed their kids, whether they can afford to send them to school or the doctor, who experience grinding, painful poverty. But today, we’re…

What If You Didn’t Hear It Again?

It drives us nuts. We told them to stop. It’s something they just have to grow out of, have to stop. The annoying baby voice they do. The screaming for no reason. The curse word they picked up at school. The insult they’re hurling at a sibling. The extremely loud heavy metal band they’ve taken…

How To Repair

You’re going to mess up as a parent, we know this. You’re going to say things you regret. Situations are not going to go like you wanted. Their feelings are going to get hurt. Connection capital will be depleted, even overdrawn. This is a given. What is up to you though, is how and whether…

We Can Learn This From Them

You can sit your kids down to watch what you think is the greatest movie of all time, and they’ll get bored and fall asleep. You can get floor seats to an NBA game and they’ll roll their eyes. You can introduce them to your fanciest, most important friends and they’ll want to go back…



We’re going to tackle all the big themes of our time and of all time: Grit. Resilience. Curiosity. Compassion. Character. Unconditional love. Finding purpose. Dealing with stress. Masculinity. Female empowerment. Loss. Stillness. Truthfulness. Initiative. Creativity. Passion. Family. Fun.

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